Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Railroad Crossing Parity Sign

This is a parity sign of a railroad crossing sign i made in my digital art class. If you can't tell its a pickture of a railroad crossing a road on foot. Its not that creative at all but its my first one.
This is the finished image I made using Adobe Photoshop. The project goal was to make a sign that is a parity of already existing sign and to make it funy, interesting or just to make you think. I looked at normal signs on the internet to see what there was to make a parity of. This idea just kinda popped into my head so I copied a railroad sign to photoshop and changed it to this by drawing over it.
I had a lot of problems doing this project because I didn't know anything about Photoshop, but I asked the teacher probably about an outrageous amount of questions about the program and I figured it out.
I'm happy with the way the image looks now, but It could have been more of a interesting idea.