Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This is just a exercise project to learn different filters in Adobe Photoshop. I copied a image from someone else so no credit goers to me for this picture.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Layer Styles

This is not art. It's just a porject I was given in class. The goal is to greated 36 different layers in Adobe Photoshop. Each one must have letter on it and the same letter with diferent layer style settings to make each one look different. So first I tried each style by itself then I started combining them when I ran out of orginal layer styles. This was generaly a boring project but I am more aware of the different efects I can add to a image.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

      Here is a self portrait of me I made for a project in my digital art class. The goal was to make a portrait of myself out of anything that can be found on a keyboard on Adobe Photoshop. It’s hard to tell but I did draw this picture by typing on Photoshop with a font that looks hand drawn. First I drew a picture on paper, just a basic sketch, typed and warped and moved the text on Photoshop. My design was inspired by anime. I’m happy with it the way it looks, though I simplified my original drawing to make it easier to draw with text. I didn’t really have too many problems with making it unlike my first Photoshop project because I know more about the program, but I still learned a lot more about Photoshop.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Railroad Crossing Parity Sign

This is a parity sign of a railroad crossing sign i made in my digital art class. If you can't tell its a pickture of a railroad crossing a road on foot. Its not that creative at all but its my first one.
This is the finished image I made using Adobe Photoshop. The project goal was to make a sign that is a parity of already existing sign and to make it funy, interesting or just to make you think. I looked at normal signs on the internet to see what there was to make a parity of. This idea just kinda popped into my head so I copied a railroad sign to photoshop and changed it to this by drawing over it.
I had a lot of problems doing this project because I didn't know anything about Photoshop, but I asked the teacher probably about an outrageous amount of questions about the program and I figured it out.
I'm happy with the way the image looks now, but It could have been more of a interesting idea.